domingo, 25 de julio de 2021

Wonder Woman vs The Third Reich - Part 3

The story so far... Mind broken for the constant sexual onslaught, Wonder Woman becomes the source of the army that will put the free world in jeopardy.

AH: Countess Futaria you're doing an excellent job keeping the amazon under control!
Althought I would like to do that by myself, global domination is very time consuming...
Soon she'll give birth to my heirs, once that happens I'm going to fill her up again and again and thanks to her demigoddeses phisiology she'll becomes an unstopable breeding machine!

Countess Futaria:You heared the furher Wonder Whore...
I can play with you all I want...
I'll make you pay for all the months I spent on the prision you sent me...

This'sthe part 3 of my Wonder Woman vs The Third Reich series, let me know if you want to see more drawings of this series or preffer another scenarios.

Feedback always welcome and if you want to support me i will apreciate it a lot. 

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